Joy resides. #FHWP-032020

The Flint Hills Writing Project (@FHWP) at Emporia State University (Go Hornets! #StingersUp) started a Writing Into the Day/Writing Out of the Day writing prompt series during this period of social distancing. This is a great idea from a great group of writers and writing enthusiasts. I’m going to try and keep up as I… Continue reading Joy resides. #FHWP-032020

A Words Look: Lowdown by Boz Skaggs

(Note: The ‘A Words Look’ series is where I highlight pieces of work that I feel use words well to convey a story or emotion. It’s mostly song lyrics, excerpts from books and articles, or just anything that catches my eye. I’m in the process of migrating the whole series of posts from my old… Continue reading A Words Look: Lowdown by Boz Skaggs

Orbits & Voice

One thing the middle grade writer hears over and over again from agents and publishers and contest hosts is the importance of “voice”. Nailing that middle grade voice is vital to squeezing the most juice from a manuscript. But how does one develop the “voice” needed to make the story explode with that special middle… Continue reading Orbits & Voice

Reaching the Double Nickel

On my fifth birthday, July 20, 1969, the Eagle landed on the moon. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked and worked on the lunar surface while Michael Collins orbited in the command module. A monumental achievement and an opportunity for the first time for humans to view the Earth while standing on another celestial body.… Continue reading Reaching the Double Nickel

A 2019 Pocket Blessing

Numbers 6:22-26 The LORD said to Moses:Speak to Aaron and his sons and tell them: This is how you shall bless the Israelites. Say to them:The LORD bless you and keep you!The LORD let his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you!The LORD look upon you kindly and give you peace! Keep this… Continue reading A 2019 Pocket Blessing