My Books

THE YOUNGER DAYS (MuseItUp Publishing)

Boy Smyth discovers much is hidden beneath his boring life and family when his outlaw hero visits their farm.

Cover Blurb

In the beginning, Boy Smyth has hard-working, down-to-earth, devoutly religious parents, a too dull southwest Missouri farm life, and a burning desire to be an outlaw like his hero, Cole Younger.

In the end, Boy Smyth has five dead bodies and two burning buildings at his farm, a life turned over on itself, and one of the most feared men in America sobbing by a huge rock outside the front gate.

Oh, and that desire for the outlaw life? It’s purged completely from his system.

Last Will and Testament short story (IN THE BEGINNING Charity Anthology/Month9 Books)

A homeless young boy, Baz, bears the weight of humanity on his shoulders and upon his body. When dark forces test a new-found friendship, Baz’s willingness to bear the ugliness of their world will be shaken. 

The Science of Jurassic Park & Zombie Microbiology 101 essays in PUTTING THE SCIENCE IN FICTION (Writer’s Digest Books, Fall 2018). Want a sneak preview? Follow this link.
