
Reading is a superpower!

I truly believe this. The skill of reading opens doors.

Reading builds knowledge. Knowledge gives us power.

Stories connect us. Stories expand our mind. Stories build empathy, and empathy makes for a better world.

Reading makes you a better person.

I’d definitely call that a superpower.

Read. Write. Repeat.

Other places to find me.

I’m a member of the #mglitchat host team on Twitter. We chat about middle grade lit topics every Thursday night at 8:00 Central time. Follow our topics and join us for a chat.

I’m also on the blog team at From the Mixed-Up Files…of Middle-Grade Authors and part of the STEM Tuesday group at the site. At MUF, we blog about MG books and relevant topics. The STEM Tuesday focus is on STEM/STEAM books, author interviews, and resources for the classroom.

Links to essays and blog posts I’m proud of.

Nerdy Book Club

Science in SciFi (Hosted by the venerable & talented Dan Koboldt)

Orbits (Kate Foster’s blog special on middle grade writing voice.)