As adults, we often look at children’s books through the lens of our adulthood. We also, however, can look at these same children’s books with child-like eyes. The best books for me are the ones that flick the switch of curious excitement in my brain. As a scientist and a writer, I’m blessed (cursed?) with a youthful exuberance for new and/or applicable knowledge. As a husband and father to elementary school teachers, a fan/creator of children’s literature, and, most importantly, a grandfather, I’m also always on the lookout for interesting things to pass along.
In Spring of 2020, Mary Kay Carson, a fellow member of the From the Mixed-Up Files…Of Middle-Grade Authors STEM Tuesday team, put out a call for anyone who wanted to read advanced copies of her new book, Wildlife Ranger Action Guide. I jumped at the chance. Mary Kay is an amazing STEM nonfiction writer. Her Scientists in the Field series is remarkable. The Bat Scientists and The Tornado Scientists are books I recommend to everyone.

When Wildlife Ranger Action Guide showed up in the mail, I unpackaged it and a weird thing happened. I couldn’t put it down. Seriously. I dropped everything I was doing, sat on the back patio, and read it cover to cover. For that one afternoon, I was that kid scientist Mike Hays again. Amazing. This book hit all the notes that I would have loved as a kid.
Just take a look at the Table of Contents and I’m sure your interest will be piqued as was mine.

I read it a second time with my adult eyes and I had the urge to order a copy for every kid and every teacher I know. I told the teacher-folks in my family about it and then read it a third time through my kidlit writer lens. It’s an outstanding piece of creative, informational work perfect for the target audience.
Mary Kay mixes images, information, activities, and love of nature on every, single page to create a work that is alive and can give kids hours of enjoyment. It hits on all the right notes for a young STEM reader or budding young naturalist. The field guides included at the end of every chapter are pure gold and perfect for kids to use on their own or with their adults.
Wildlife Ranger Action Guide is a great book perfect to place into the hands of the young readers in your life. It’s even a better book to have on your shelf as a reference to enjoy the natural world all around you with the people, both young and old, in your life. Give it a try and I think you will agree with me. Once you read it, I think you’ll enjoy and appreciate nature a little more.
Happy reading!