The Flint Hills Writing Project (@FHWP) at Emporia State University (Go Hornets! #StingersUp) started a Writing Into the Day/Writing Out of the Day writing prompt series during this period of social distancing. This is a great idea from a great group of writers and writing enthusiasts. I’m going to try and keep up as I can and post my efforts.
Writing Out of the Day – 4/11/20 prompt is to write an analogy about your favorite smell. Challenge level = Write it as a poem.
Pine Tar
The smell takes me back
To the dugout
The on-deck circle
Breath in, breath out
Swing the heavy bat
Watch the pitcher
Bat handle in hand
Walk to the plate
Get the coach’s sign
Take a deep breath
Dig into the box
Swing once, swing twice
Eyes fixed on the ball
Load, step, and swing
Hit the ball or miss
Crack of the bat
Swing for the fences
It takes me back
The smell of pine tar
Jump back in time
Far far back in time