Grumpy Mike – @FHWP – 033020 Out

The Flint Hills Writing Project (@FHWP) at Emporia State University (Go Hornets! #StingersUp) started a Writing Into the Day/Writing Out of the Day writing prompt series during this period of social distancing. This is a great idea from a great group of writers and writing enthusiasts. I’m going to try and keep up as I can and post my efforts.

Writing Out of the Day – 3/30/20 prompt is to write about something that makes you grumpy.

I’m a grump by nature. Take Mondays, for example. Mondays often put me in a foul mood. I don’t think it has as much to do with it actually being Monday “Go Back To Work” day than being “I didn’t get all the things on the To-Do List of Weighted Optimism done over the weekend” day. Nevertheless, Mondays usually trigger an appearance by Grumpy Mike.

However, I may be the happiest grump on the planet. My grump runs continuously in the background of an enjoyable life. Sure, it can bubble to the surface on occasion. Most of these occasions are the direct result of being an introvert. A classic introvert. 

Here is a link to an article on 23 signs of a classic introvert. I checked all but two boxes (#12 & #17). 

The grumpiness boils over when I push or get pushed beyond the limits required to recharge the battery. For example, when I give an author talk or appearance, I’m usually not too overwhelmed by the talk itself but when it’s over, I definitely need to retreat home to recharge. When in big crowds at events, if I don’t get a chance to escape, hello Grumpy Mike.

Don’t be fooled when you see me. The grump is there always. I’ve learned to embrace my inner grump and live with it by learning to deal with it. Learning the causes and the strategies to work through the wear and tear of the anxiety. 

What makes me grumpy? Everything! Well, basically, everything that grates on my last introvert nerve without the opportunity to recharge. 

Celebrate your inner introvert, people! Understand it and learn to not allow the grump a free reign on your life. Introversion is a gift. It’s how we’re made and put together.

Embrace you grump! Just don’t let your grump completely take over and say things which require a long list of “!@#$” or “_______” edited over the conversation. Get to know your grump and use it instead of letting the grump use you.

Have a good day! And if you notice I’m a little grumpier than usual, please leave me the !@#$ alone for a few minutes.


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